Covid-19 Statement from Stantek
PO Box 1409
145 East Elkins St.
Stanton, KY 40380
PH: 606-663-8200
F: 606-663-8080
26 March 2020
To whom it may concern,
Due to the unprecedented outbreak of the COVID-19 virus worldwide, there have been a number of US states (including Kentucky) which have issued “shelter in place”, “shutdown”, “stay at home”, and/or “business closure” Executive Orders. This means that all residents are to remain at home while “essential businesses” (defined by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency – CISA) are to remain open to provide critical services.
STANTEK is a diversified company which manufactures a wide variety of IT, Electrical, Mechanical and Electro-mechanical products in their US facilities and has been directed by a number of our US partners/customers to maintain our normal work schedule pursuant to DIB Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce memorandum stamped by The Under Secretary of Defense on March 20, 2020.
STANTEK serves several industries with the products we manufacture that supports critical segments of the US infrastructure which must be maintained during these trying times;
- Military
- Aerospace
- IT Services
- Industrial Equipment
- Federal Agencies
- Technology
We continue to implement strict precautionary measures in all our facilities which meet or exceed government and public health requirements, to reduce risk for our team members who are performing their duties.
All STANTEK operations will continue to perform our obligation as an “essential business” to help support our partners and the US infrastructure in this extraordinary time.
If you have any questions, please contact your STANTEK associate or any member of the STANTEK team.
Brian Leek
Managing Director